Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Home

I know that it has been forever since I have posted anything on here, so sorry! Here are some pictures of our house in LA. We got the landscaping re-done about 2 years ago and it has been so amazing to watch everything grow in. Since we travel back and forth so much, one of our most favorite things to do is just sit in the back yard and listen to the waterfall in the pond. It is incredibly relaxing and YES we fall asleep often back there:) Our favorite time of year is coming up, FALL! It has still been really warm during the days(80-85 degrees) but once the sun goes down it gets chilly(yes, 65 degrees is cold!). Mark and I are doing well and will keep you updated more often then we have or haven't lol!


Anonymous said...

I love your backyard...and 65 is not chilly...girlie..i wish our winters were 65. Love ya!